
We will be having new and challenging tasks coming available both in the hospital and with our fundraising committee starting soon, and are always looking for people to fill in during vacation time, retiring or traveling south for the winter. Take a look at the following opportunities and see if you would like to be trained in a different area than you are now volunteering, and become a back-up or spare in this area.

Chances Are – Thrift Store

The ‘Chances Are’ store is located at 20 Bascom St. and is open to the public Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00am – 4:00pm

In addition to being a major source of funds for the Auxiliary, this nearly new shop fulfills a community need for affordable clothing and housewares. Volunteers work in three hour shifts to sell the donations of gently used seasonal clothing and household items.

The operation of the store has two venues for volunteers:

Cashiers – Two shifts per day

  • Tuesday-Saturday 10am – 1pm
  • Tuesday-Saturday 1pm – 4pm

Sorting of donations consists of two main shifts which can vary, depending on your preference:

  • Mornings – 7am – 12pm

Cottage Gift Shop

The gift shop is operated by volunteers and provides sundry personal items to patients as well as offering to the community a wide range of merchandise, including hand knitted items, giftware etc.

The gift shop is open Monday – Friday and has two shifts:

  • 9am – 12pm
  • 12pm – 3pm

*Present shifts are 10:00 – 2:00 pm at the Cottage Gift Shop*

Each year the Hospital Gift shop features EVERYTHING CHRISTMAS as well as other special seasonal displays.

Run for the Diamond – Half Marathon Event

The Uxbridge Half Marathon is a major event for the entire community. It features a 10k run, and a 5k run/walk through a course of trails and roads. Volunteers are required for many different roles, i.e. planning and marketing in the months prior to the event, and there are many opportunities for on the day volunteers. We are now accepting donations via e-transfer to

For  further information please go to the ‘Run for the Diamond’ website: Uxbridge Half Marathon
